Sweet Tea & Jesus: A Collection of Memoirs from the South
Sweet Tea & Jesus is a fun, hopeful collection of memoirs from a true southern lady. Hazel Lee approaches her stories of pets, family, southern traditions, aging, and even loss from a hopeful, optimistic point of view. Sweet Tea & Jesus is a lovely collection that will leave the reader feeling lighter, more hopeful. Hazel Lee's philosophy is, there isn't anything that can't be cured with a glass of sweet tea and a nice visit.
Sweet Tea & Jesus is a fun, hopeful collection of memoirs from a true southern lady. Hazel Lee approaches her stories of pets, family, southern traditions, aging, and even loss from a hopeful, optimistic point of view. Sweet Tea & Jesus is a lovely collection that will leave the reader feeling lighter, more hopeful. Hazel Lee's philosophy is, there isn't anything that can't be cured with a glass of sweet tea and a nice visit.
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